There are 12 key things that are required under Part 101 – you must:
- Not operate an aircraft that is 25 kg or larger and always ensure that it is safe to operate.
- At all times take all practicable steps to minimize hazards to persons, property and other aircraft (ie, don’t do anything hazardous).
- Fly only in daylight.
- Give way to all crewed aircraft.
- Be able to see the aircraft with your own eyes (eg, not through binoculars, a monitor, or smartphone) to ensure separation from other aircraft (or use an observer to do this in certain cases).
- Not fly your aircraft higher than 120 metres (400 feet) above ground level (unless certain conditions are met).
- Have knowledge of airspace restrictions that apply in the area you want to operate.
- Not fly closer than four kilometres from any aerodrome (unless certain conditions are met).
- When flying in controlled airspace, obtain an air traffic control clearance issued by Airways (via airshare My Flights).
- Not fly in special use airspace without the permission of the controlling authority of the area (e.g. military operating areas or restricted areas).
- Have consent from anyone you want to fly above.
- Have the consent of the property owner or person in charge of the area you are wanting to fly above.